Ensen(18yo)'s philosophy
ALMONDotの頭脳 苑茜(18歳)の哲学
ALMONDot, the industrial metal band from Japan
“Sorai”(17) who stood out in the female guitarists world, resonates with the sense & philosophy of philosopher & rapper & Dancer “Ensen” (16), who spent her childhood in London and saw Japan from the outside world, and in April 2023 the Industrial Metal Band "ALMONDot" was launched!
🧠日本を推しつつ世界を目指す、インダストリアル・メタル・バンド "ALMONDot"ギター兼ボーカルの「蒼来」が様々な経緯を経て、幼少期をロンドンで過ごし外の世界から日本を見ていたフィロソファー&ラッパー&ダンサーの「苑茜」と意気投合。サポートDrの紹介で加入した謎の覆面ベーシスト黒梦(クロム)。唯一の男性メンバーであるギタリストUIの4人が正式メンバー。2023年4月に始動。
🧠Variety of unique characters and entertainment in Japan have been around for a long time. Anthropomorphizing things like hot spring girls, local mascot characters, and historical figures is an amazing idea.
I also don't think there are any other groups that have a deep-rooted anthropomorphic culture like the one in Kansai where people call candy "Ame-chan".
I think the world should pay more attention to Japan's unique mindset, which blurs the distinction between things and people.
So, one day it occurred to me that Japan should have this identity admired and protected by the people of the world for the future of Japan (Genius!!).
We hope to be able to convey various things like that through music!!
🧠Recently, when I talk about the future with my classmates, they all talk on the premise of leaving Japan.
But Japan is a country where people who can love all things on an anthropomorphic level live, where elaborate and bizarre craftsmanship abounds, and where you can find delicious food wherever you go.
Is there any other island country like this?
To me, this whole country looks like a resort island, and I want it to be a JAPAN that will continue to be loved by the world even when I grow up, not to mention MT.FUJI, SUSHI, OMOTENASHI and so on.
I hope to share these glimpses of Japan through my band activities.
🧠I feel relieved when I return to Japan.
I still miss it when I leave my own country and it's so wonderful to feel that way.
Of course, there are many wonderful things in other countries as well,
I often hear from people I know from overseas who have stayed in Japan that they miss Japan,
I am sure that Japan is full of things that they miss, objectively speaking.
Japan is the first country in the developed world where the population has started to decline.
Japan, the country where everyone says "this country is no more.”
Japan, a country that is warm, polite, beautiful, and crazy.
I want the world to miss it more and more.
『ONE PIECE』考察界の異端児「コーキタコヤキ大阪」による、インダストリアル・メタル・バンド『ALMONDot』考察!!?
想いは伝わるのですね『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』考察界 の異端児が、全くの別ジャンル『メタルバンド』を考察するという、前代未聞の異色のコラボを絶対にチェック!➡https:// youtu.be/JlO8usERyB0
『I'll go first, sorry』▶orcd.co/almondot_igfs
ALMONDot's debut single 'I'll go first, sorry' to be released digitally on January 11, 2024
'I'll go first, sorry'(official video) ▶youtu.be/CoTBDXj7LNo
『TSUNAMAYO ONIGIRI』▶https://orcd.co/tsunamayo-onigiri
ALMONDot's 2nd single 'TSUNAMAYO ONIGIRI' to be released digitally on February 14, 2024
TSUNAMAYO ONIGIRI (official video) ▶https://youtu.be/MHMM6bB2yZA
TSUNAMAYO ONIGIRI (director's edition)▶https://youtu.be/30XvArVoeVA
🧠2024年3月18日(月)1st EP
※品番:UXCL322 / 価格:¥2,000(税込)
※CD封入特典 ランダムトレーディングカード(全4種)
01. HELL RING SHAM (ヘルリンシャン)
02. I'll go first, sorry
03. Scharlach-Weiβ (シャーラバイス)
05. U-ZAI (ユーザイ)
『威嚇-Suprise, mom!-』 ▶Listen here